We need you! If you are interested and want to support active transportation at Western, please become a member of WATS.
Simply sign up here:
Newsletter: By signing up above and becoming a member of WATS, you will receive our monthly newsletter. This is for WATS to share news and events relevant to active transportation, both on campus and in London generally.
Watsup list: As a member, you will also be added to our watsup@uwo.ca. list. You can send WATS-related messages to all other 160+ members. If you want to receive the newsletter without any other messages, simply email owner-watsup@uwo.ca with "unsubscribe" in the subject line to be removed from watsup@uwo.ca. Please note that watsup is for occasional member-to-member announcements, not for online discussion. For that, we use Microsoft teams.
Microsoft Teams: Our online forum (similar to Slack), to discuss, plan, and coordinate. If you are a member of the Western community, you can log into MS Teams with your Western credentials. Go to Teams, search for "Western Active Transportation Society (WATS)" and join the team. If you do not have a Western login, you can create a free Microsoft Teams account and contact us here to be added.
WATS meetings: Come to one of our meetings, often held 4pm-5pm at the Grad Club, and meet your fellow WATSers and learn how you can become active! For exact dates for the meetings check the Newsletter or our twitter account.